
Subsonic 223 vs
Subsonic 223 vs

Originally Posted By: USMC_4_lifeSubsonic ammo isn't usually used IRL. But you should look into the cost, wait time, and legal implications of purchasing form 4 NFA items before you get to far into your theorizing. Effectively throwing off the perception of origin 90 degrees. To the man on the right of the bullet, he would think it came from the left, and the man to the left of the bullet would think it came from the right (from the noise signature). Each person on the receiving end has a different perception of where the bullet came from. With that said, a super sonic round passing between two people(for arguments sake you hit a pumpkin between them). Using them in an offensive role likely will get your ass thrown in prison for the rest of your natural life, that is if you don't do it in texas (I hear from my brother in law that they like killing you back in texas). They reduce the muzzle, sound (makes communication within the team easier if everyone is using them), flash and dust signatures increasing the survivability of the war fighter/ law enforcement officer. The idea behind suppressors is they don't mask the shot being taken. 223 / 5.56, especially when the zombies are hiding behind cover.Īgain, lest anyone get the wrong idea, this is a suppressed, scoped, bolt action ZOMBIE rifle, that we're just hypothetically talking about.I even have a few boxes of Zombie Ammo at my disposal. 308, scoped, sound suppressed, long distance zombie rifle since it obviously has more knockdown & head exploding power on zombies than.

subsonic 223 vs

Well, if there's no difference in sound level, I'd just as soon have a.

subsonic 223 vs

PG Īm I on the wrong website? I thought this was the SNIPER's hide, not the Plinker's Hide - just kidding! I am sure other will have other thoughts. The smaller calibers are less costly to shoot so if you have hundreds of zombies your worried about and on a budget go with 5.56/.223. However IMHO I dont think there is much difference if you have a good suppressor for either. Originally Posted By: PGGI hate the term sniper rifle unless your a sniper and 99.9+% of us are not.

Subsonic 223 vs